4 Signs You Might Need a New Website
In recent years the world has seen some rapid changes in technology and how websites are used as well as an increase in social media focus and online interaction. All these changes have in turn shaped how website design has evolved so if you haven’t updated your website in a few years it’s probably about time you did!

Redesigning a website is no longer about simply refreshing the look and feel, it now involves enhancing functionality with modern features and increasing interaction with your online audience.
Take a look below for a couple of signs that you probably need to think about having a website redesign:
1 – Your site isn’t responsive or mobile friendly.
Responsive design means good usability. It’s smart and makes sure your customers will experience your site as intended whichever device they may be using to view it. Responsive design has become recognised as the new standard in web design so if you’re not yet embracing the trend it’s about time you considered it! The web is accessed from a growing number of devices of all sizes and capabilities so you want to make sure your site can be viewed properly on as many as possible. You might be missing out on a huge number of customers due to not being mobile friendly!
2 – You can’t update your content.
If you are unable to control what goes on your site then it’s impossible to stay current and provide your customers with the most up to date information. Lacking in this vital information can make your site look out dated or even confuse your customers. Customers need to know about new products or activities as well as know if a product is no longer available. To deal with this you want to make sure you use a good content management system, like ours at IT Pie, so that you can keep up with all the changes you might need to make as your business thrives.
3 – It takes too long to load.
As humans we often have pretty short attention spans and maybe even less patience when it comes to loading up web pages. If your website takes more than 4 seconds to load you are likely losing up to a third of your visitors. That might seem a little crazy but there’s no doubt that the longer your site takes to load the more customers will give up and try somewhere else. Google also considers website speed in their search ranking algorithms meaning that the slower your site is the further down the list of search results your site will be. Not a good start!
4 – Your site isn’t found on google.
If you can’t seem to find or have great difficulty finding your site on search engines like Google then it may be time for a new website to boost your SEO and page visits. Most people find sites through search engines rather than directly, so boosting your SEO to appear in search engines will go a long way in getting visitors to your site. Although a fresh appealing redesign may also be needed to keep your visitors interested once they find your site.
If your current site suffers from any or all of these problems, we would highly recommend undertaking a website redesign to increase findability and boost customer satisfaction. Get in contact and we'll discuss how we can help.