Managing your online reputation

Managing your online reputation


It can be very difficult to understand how your business is represented online. With hundreds of directories, forums and blogs, do you really know what people are saying about you and what business information is being shown to users?

Yell now offer a free scan, which will show you any inconsistencies or issues with your online presence across hundreds of online listings.

When we ran the scan for one of our clients it was really quite eye opening. More than half of their listings in business directories were inconsistent…many with wrong telephone numbers and addresses. Not only had they been missing enquiries from potential clients, but also Google had been unable to locate their business effectively.

As soon as we rectified all the listings, our client shot up in the geographical searches and noticed an immediate increase in local enquiries. I would highly recommend running this free scan. You can then manually correct all the inconsistencies across the internet, or pay Yell £40 to do it for you!

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