New Branding & Website | TPAS Cymru
Last year, we were engaged by TPAS Cymru, an organisation that works with landlords and tenants all over wales to help shape housing services, and the project has now gone live. We designed the intuitive new website in partnership with Caffeine Creative, who developed new brand guidelines for TPAS, including a new logo. The website is bilingual, with the visuals designed accordingly.
The website was developed in .NET, is fully responsive across all devices, and is powered by our content management system (CMS). The site utilises our bilingual plugin, with every page that is created having a corresponding Welsh version in the CMS, that the user can toggle back and forth to on the website.
We also built a bespoke event management system, powered through our CMS, which allows administrators to schedule new events and monitor existing events; the system notifies TPAS when a new event booking is made by a user. Some of the website is set to appear onto to members of TPAS Cymru, who can use their unique login to access blog posts. All the members’ details can be viewed through the CMS.